American Farmers & Ranchers President Terry Detrick sent the following letter today to every member of the U.S. Senate, urging their support of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as director of the Environmental Protection Agency:
Dear Senator,
On behalf of Oklahoma’s oldest general farm organization, American Farmers & Ranchers, I would like to endorse Scott Pruitt’s nomination to the post of Administrator for the United States EPA.
American Farmers & Ranchers has worked closely with Mr. Pruitt for the past 18 years, first as a state senator and now as our attorney general. He has always been a fair, knowledgeable and hard-working public servant. His track record here in Oklahoma demonstrates a strong understanding of the relationship between a healthy environment and a successful business.
We know the farmers, ranchers, business owners and rural residents in your state would be well served by Mr. Pruitt. Thank you for your consideration of this important nomination.
The U.S. Senate is scheduled to discuss Pruitt’s nomination Jan. 18.