Oklahoma State University President Burns Hargis is the keynote speaker for Enid’s Agrifest Farm and Ranch forum, Jan. 13, Chisholm Trail Expo Center. The forum is part of the annual two-day KNID Agrifest, northwest Oklahoma’s largest farm show.
Sponsored by the American Famers & Ranchers LEAD program, the forum begins with a legislative mix-and-mingle at 9 a.m. in the Expo Center’s Coliseum Board Room. Participants are invited to visit with elected officials while enjoying coffee and doughnuts.
Burns’s presentation will follow the legislative reception at 9:30. He will discuss the impact of Oklahoma State University on rural and urban areas.
Following the OSU President, participants are encouraged to enjoy the farm show, returning at 2 p.m. for a presentation by a panel of experts on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Veterinary Feed Directive. The panel consists of Dr. Chris Richards, OSU Animal Science Extension, Roger Goodwin, Johnston Seed Company, Dr. Phil Steinert, Steinert Veterinary Clinic. The panel will be moderated by Dana Zook, OSU Extension.
The VFD discussion is extremely important for our producers. Effective Jan. 1, producers are required to get authorization from a veterinarian to buy antibiotics for food animals. We want to make sure everyone understands the new rules and how it impacts their business.