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AFR Company News - July 2017

AFR Women’s Cooperative to Help Family Who Lost Everything in Wildfire

The AFR Women’s Cooperative has started an on-line registry at Amazon to collect items for the family of Caitlin Phibbs and Jacob Vandorn, who lost everything in the northwest Oklahoma wildfires this spring.

AFR Women’s Cooperative Focuses on Blood Drives

As many of you know the 2017 Initiative for the Women’s Cooperative (WC) is the “Wanted” Blood Drives in partnership with the Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI). The WC state council has challenged local and county AFR members to get a donor from every county to a blood drive throughout 2017. 

2017 AFR Summer Barbecue Series

We'll bring the BBQ, you bring a friend! We will celebrate the end of a busy summer while looking forward to the upcoming fall activities across Oklahoma. Please join us for an AFR Summer BBQ in your area!