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AFR Company News - June 2016

AFR Asks Support for GMO Labeling Law

In a letter today to the Oklahoma congressional delegation, AFR President Terry Detrick encouraged them to support the U.S. Senate’s GMO labeling legislation.  The Senate is expected to vote on the issue after July 4th holiday.

RSVP now for the 2016 AFR Women's Conference

Join us for the AFR Women's Conference on August 6, 2016 in Oklahoma City, OK. 

AFR Sponsors Awards at Conners State College Cattle Grading Contest

AFR sponsored several awards at the Connors State College Cattle Grading contest this week in Warner, OK.  

State Capitol Report 06/02/16

AFR Lobbyist Tommy Thomas wraps up the 2016 Oklahoma legislative session.

Karl Jett: Dedicated Conservationist

Jett owns KC Farms, a family farm and ranch southwest of Slapout. KC Farms is a diversified farm and ranch with irrigated and dryland wheat, forage crops and grass. They also have a commercial cow herd. His long term dedication to conservation was recognized this year by the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts as he was inducted into the OACD Hall of Fame.